Literature Review

How do you often eat what you consider junk food? Do you know what is made of, how it affects your body and why it is bad for you? Most of the people that consider themself a junk food frequent eater don’t know how bad junk food is for their body, and our mission is to tell you that, for you to know the components and chemicals used in their elaboration and preservation, and why they are bad for your health and why most of the companies keep them as a secret…


As a conclusion, we can see how bad junk food is for your health, how it affects your life and makes you vulnerable to many diseases that may affect you life severely. Why make a call to everybody that have read this article to spread the word, and raise awareness of what this type of food makes to our body and our children, that are the most interested in eating it, remember that we are vulnerable, and preventing is the solution.



My Holidays

In my summer holidays I went to Florida, I stood in the Florydays Hotel in Orlando, 2 miles away from the disney parks, and one block away from Seaworld. Obviously we wanted to go to every single park, I could, but my mother and sister couldn’t, it was a shame for em, but they had a great time anyways. We also went to Miami, but it was freezing, because of the polar wave taking place there. Personally, I did not have any problem with our hotel, we made sure nothing gave us a grief, they had spanish staff, the rooms where spacious and clean, really comfortable beds and soft sheets. We thought that that holiyday was our last one, at least there, so we traveled everywhere, but we had time for chillin’ days. I made lots of m8s, of every kind, there was no racism, everyone was happy there, no sad faces, and we really appreciated that, it made us feel comfortable and we had no problems at all.


Anchor: Welcome America, my name is John, the most American name for an anchorman in an international news program, we are breaking news channel and we will present the following news today.
Anchor: The first report he have today is the intriguing Penta case that’s affecting serious the Chilean politics and, even if you don’t believe, it’s president is also a part of this crime, but she still says that she has nothing to do, Boris, our national reporter will talk about this case, right with you Boris.
Anchor: Next, on our International Report is the intriguing case of an American Policeman that killed a fugitive by giving him 8 shots on his back while he was running from him, our International news reporter Dagoberto has all the information about this case, right with you Dagoberto.
Anchor: Now on Braking news channel, all the sports information that you need, today, we will talk about everything that’s happening in the Super Rugby League with our specialist, Claus Trofobia, right with you Claus.
Anchorman: Well, that’s all for today, we hope that you’re now informed with all the news of today, this has been Breaking News Channel and we wish you, a good night.

Zlata’s Diary Book Description

Well, during the story, Zlata tells us lots of different facts, but Im going to try to explain the main idea, Zlata is a little girl that starts to write a Diary, but what she doesn’t know is that there’s a war incoming. During the story she spends a lot of time with her friends and family, but everything is starting to go down, they are putting trenches in the city to protect their habitants, they hear gun fire and also many of her friend are dying. She’s alone in a desperated moment, and even dough she is suffering and she’s scared, she tells us all. The have relatives in Dubrovnik, and they are starving and scared about the war. Zlata also tells us about her friends like Mirna, her best friend, she also tells us the places she used to go, like M&M’s and Jahorina. The last thing I’ll write about is how her parent react to war, I think her mother is the most affected one, because she already knows what a war is and what it may cause, also her father is affected, but differently, because he had to go to the reserves, but not for a long time, so it wasn’t so bad, I think…

Diary Entry

August 15th, 2025

Yesterday, my English teacher asked me to write about how it would be to live during a war, what she didn’t know, was that today at the evening, Germany declares the war against Bolivia, because they don’t want to conquer the world with them, so they have to be eliminated, the president says.

Unfortunately, I live in Chile, so I think that the first country Bolivia will turn to is going to be Chile, or Peru, so even though the only affected in this case is Bolivia, we will be affected too, is something obvious, northern Chile is going to be affected by the gun fire and bomb sounds, all the immigrants from Bolivia and Chile, all the pressure of the situation and the worst part of all, is that every single thing we say, may be used against us, best of luck, Bolivia…

Controlled Written Examination 2

Why to prefer the bike?

Using your bike as your transportation is way healthier that using a car, and if you think about roads and paths you don’t need to worry, sustrance may help you.

Sustrance is a British charity, that helps pele to walk and cycle through a brand new cycle routes system, located in traffic-free paths, and also, they are quiet roads, so you don’t have to worry about annoying cars anymore, this is called the National Cycle Network.

I think that the National Cycle Network is a really good idea, because it promotes people to use their bikes as their means of transportation . It also reduces accidents, because it is a trafic-free path, and, as I said before, you don’t need to worry about annoying cars in the road ever again.

And apart from transporting, using your bike frequently, helps you to do exercise and keeping you fit, and is way cheaper than a gym membership.



Dear Diary

Today something amazing happened to me! I was with my friends at the mall, and I saw a special sale, just perfect for me, remember that yesterday, I told you that my phone is broken? Well, I walked inside the “Apple Store” and suddenly, lots of ballons and colour papers feel in my head, I was the customer number one million! And I had a seventy percent of discount for the next product I touched, and I accidentaly touched the Iphone Five, and instead of eight hundred dollars, there were only two hundred fifty dollars, and I only had two hundred in my wallet, when suddenly I felt some kind of paper in my back pocket, and when I saw what it was, I almost died! They were fifty dollars! And, I didn’t think about it twice, I bought the Iphone and now I have my brand new phone

Section 1 Task 3

Dear John,

I’m writing you to help you with your program it’s not as hard as you think, but is not easy either.

First, you should know what’s the minimum amount of calories you should eat a day, and once you know that, you shouldn’t eat more than that, and also, always make sure always acquire them via fruits and vegetables, quitting to all type of junk food you usually eat. Always make sure to burn that calories before acquire them.

The other way to get fit is going to a gym, but personally, I think that eating only the necessary calories, and quitting to junk food, is way more easy and cheap than a gym monthly payment, so now, you have both alternatives, which one you´ll choose?


Johnny Manteca